The Rise of Mega Apps

Good software engineering permits wide range of philosophy and practices. Some develop a plethora of small tools and chain them together to perform complex tasks, like UNIX. Some develop a tightly integrated mega app to add as many functionalities as possible, like Wolfram Language. For the UNIX approach to work, app interoperability is critical. Usually, the operating system provides mechanisms like pipes to chain small apps together. Thus, a unfriendly OS can discourage the UNIX approach in favor of mega apps.

This seems the status quo.

Facebook evolved from a simple social network to integrate gaming, markets, and finance. Although it could be argued that separate apps would offer conceptual clarity and elegance, the reality is that poor app interoperability would make many functionalities harder to use.

However, support for good software engineering should not favor mega apps. It's time to improve app interoperability and let the UNIX approach help numerous small developers thrive.


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