Workplace Socializing and Hybrid Environment

Social networks are ubiquitous. While personal socializing is dominated by Facebook, Twitter, and LINE, etc., there is still no clear winner in the workplace. Even Microsoft has conflicts within itself that two workplace social networks compete with each other, namely, Teams and Skype. Apple restricted Messages app to Apple devices, and thus only provides workplace socializing for enterprises that go Apple.

Recently, Apple greatly expanded its social networking capabilities with updates to Messages app and SharePlay. It might be viewed as indication for the company's interest in social networks. Is there possibility that Apple will eventually develop workplace socializing solutions? The question came after Apple announced Apple Business Essentials. The word Essentials indicates that Apple might have plans for more advanced and comprehensive business computing. Thus, release Essentials first, and develop advanced solutions. If Apple had ambitions in business computing, it could not overlook workplace socializing. Both Google and Microsoft provide business-class communication solutions. Apple can not afford to fall short.

There are challenges. One is that most workplaces consist of hybrid computing devices under Google, Microsoft, Amazon, and of course, Apple, etc. Will Apple be open enough to work with other technologies? If not, the market of Apple exclusive workplaces is quite limited. Will Apple be content with personal social networking among Apple users, or take opportunity to go beyond?

The speculation here is of course highly tentative. However, it seems obvious that Apple has already begun to take the workplace seriously.


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