The future of SoC is bright. Apple's M1 family SoC delivers breakthrough performance per watt, which is a measure that some consider to replace Moore's law in chip making. As raw chip making with geometric scaling approaches the quantum realm, it's expected that more and more architectural and software optimizations will come into play. SoC is particularly useful for mobile computing, where battery constraints are prominent. On the desktop, where battery constraints vanish, the situation is more complex. While M1 is suitable for daily-life computing, it's still not clear whether pro uses will be completely covered by SoC. This makes Apple's future Mac Pro launches especially interesting from architectural point of view.

It seems that SoC is the way to go for mobile computing and, following Apple's lead, should launch a revolution in the PC world. But, as other technologies might indicate, PC world revolution may come astonishingly slow, just as Apple's Retina Display blasts PC counterparts. It all depends on Intel and Microsoft's intention. Meanwhile, Apple is likely to attain higher market share, because its competition is so technologically backward.

Besides mobile computing, SoC also excels in home computing and IoT, which justifies its role as the harbinger of another wave of digital revolution. Hopefully, the benefits to customers and industries will be extensive as Apple leads the way.


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